Designing for Sustainability through Upcycling

ISBN : 978-94-6208-620-3

Designing for Sustainability through Upcycling

Shyam Khandekar,   Vinayak Bharne

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While increasingly more people live in cities, peripheries are expending at the cost of nature. This book explains how sustainability can be achieved by urban redevelopment and upcycling. The large-scale processes of urban redevelopment in this book are based on a successful brownfield project in The Netherlands: the Paleiskwartier in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Designing for Sustainability through Upcycling tells the nearly three-decade long inside story of how policies were made, decisions taken, designs created, how the projects developed in phases and how the city government partnered the private sector in a unique way. A series of essays and short interviews with key players involved, including directors, designers, developers and city-officials, provides a detailed overview of how this project was actually realised. This book o­ffers first-hand information of 30 years of development as told by master planner Shyam Khandekar. Professor Vinayak Bharne places the process of upcycling in the context of developments from other parts of the world. • Explains how to achieve sustainability through urban redevelopment and upcycling • Of interest to policy makers, bureaucrats, designers, developers and other urban professionals • A must-read for those on the threshold of undertaking a brownfield redevelopment process in their city • With projects by renowned European architects a.o.:Herman Hertzberger, Benthem Crouwel (NL), Baumschlager Eberle (AT), Ralph Erskine (SE), BDP (GB), Charles Vandenhove (BE), Adolfo Natalini (IT) Book Release :Book was launched in India in association with Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.

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This book has been made possible by a generous grant from B.V. Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Paleiskwartier

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